Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ever Wonder...

Ever wonder what goes through a designer's head when they design clothing, what their inspiration is? I used to. Here is your answer: anything and everything!! Eddie and I get inspirations from looking at random objects. I've even designed outfits based off of a towel and a paintbrush! That's not our weirdest though! We have some new sketches we are working on that are totally weird. I'm not sure Lady GaGa would wear them, but then again, she is known to surprise people. Keep an eye out for these new designs with a big bite (hint,hint!).

1 comment:

  1. Very cool. Designers tend to live in their own world. It can be seen as good or bad for some. Being true to yourself is what matters the most. Nothing like natural raw talent when it comes to designing, and you both GOT IT. I particularly find it very cool how you both get inspire on anything. That's it. Never let someone step on your imagination! Dream and dream big!
    I think you both are on the right path. Keep it up. I am a big fan of your work, Eddie and Gabi.


    PS My colour design teacher identified me as "A+" since she liked the palette of colours I presented to her on houses (on homeworks that is) ;-)
    She thought I was 'a natural' when it came to selecting colours. I do not think so, but I liked the idea :-)
